专业电子竞技攻略教程第一站!            商务合作QQ:88960575


2018-09-29 来源:网络采编 编辑:阿修罗 分类:绝地求生









snuttis23 538 points 14 hours agobB5电竞游戏网


That's kinda the only use for the Sawed-off, makes great signal gun for calling hotheads to your position.bB5电竞游戏网




Weis 182 points 13 hours agobB5电竞游戏网


just load the 2 bullets it holds then drop the reserve ammo so it doesn't take up space. Never know when you might need a pocket shottybB5电竞游戏网




GenuineSteak 159 points 13 hours agobB5电竞游戏网


Its better than most other sidearms imo, not that i ever really use them anyways, mainly just use pistols to carry an extra red dot.bB5电竞游戏网




oneDRTYrusn 28 points 12 hours agobB5电竞游戏网


This is the exact tactic me and my friends use when we're playing with a full squad, and I'm usually the idiot that flanks wide, randomly blasting the sawed off like an asshole.bB5电竞游戏网


I'm genuinely shocked at how often people fall for this trick.bB5电竞游戏网








lukonic 748 points 14 hours agobB5电竞游戏网


Welp, if I was in the car that's exactly how I'd get knocked.bB5电竞游戏网




I_am_Junkinator 39 points 14 hours agobB5电竞游戏网


Honestly, I have a couple of friends who do this, and it worked like twicebB5电竞游戏网


Still lost immediately because the fuckface gave our position away for a lucky down which wasn't a kill lolbB5电竞游戏网






Zarkados88 36 points 14 hours agobB5电竞游戏网


This is me when my squad tell me what not to do!bB5电竞游戏网






TheGreatWalk 35 points 14 hours agobB5电竞游戏网


Shooting at vehicles is almost always a good idea if you aren't out in the open. If you don't shoot them and you are spotted, they'll assume you are bad and crash you with the advantage. If they don't see you and stop, if you aren't in position to absolutely stomp them you could end up losing a member or two depending on how things play out.bB5电竞游戏网




Quadraxas 1 point 6 hours agobB5电竞游戏网


my wife in pubg. at least she tries with rifles but i developed the reflex to say "don't shoot" every time i see something in the distance.bB5电竞游戏网




JJROKCZ 2 points 6 hours agobB5电竞游戏网


Its why I sometimes dont call it out unless it's coming to.us or is actually close. Too many idiots like to throw bullets at things they'll never hit hoping to get lucky and post it to reddit.bB5电竞游戏网




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