* Bloodlust manacost reduced from 75 to 50
- 嗜血(食人魔魔法师)的耗蓝从75降低至50
* Meepo agility growth increased from 1.9 to 2.2
- 米博的敏捷成长从1.9增加至2.2
* Stone Form cooldown reduced from 26 to 20
- 石像形态(维萨吉佣兽)的冷却时间从26秒降低至20秒
* Arcane Curse damage increased from 14/21/28/35 to 14/22/30/38
- 奥术诅咒(沉默术士一技能)伤害从14/21/28/35增加至14/22/30/38
* Brewmaster Boulder damage increased from 50 to 50/100/150
- 酒仙大地元素投抛巨石的伤害从50增加至50/100/150
* Brewmaster Dispel Magic damage to illusions and summoned units increased from 500 to 850
- 酒仙风暴元素的驱散魔法现在作用于幻象和召唤单位, 范围从500增加至850
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